Entries by Hudson Robison

You are an Investor.

Everyone can be divided into three types of investors. You have the pre-investor, the active investor, or the passive investor. Since we mentioned active and passive investors in an earlier blog, let’s take a look at what a pre-investor is. Effectively, a pre-investor is an individual who is not actively investing capital, but does have […]

True American Capital: What Do We Do?

In short, we purchase apartment buildings by pooling money together with other investors; everyone who invests then shares ownership of the property and thus receives distribution checks as we collect rent from our tenants. This is called Real Estate Syndication or more specifically: Apartment or Multifamily Syndication.  A ‘Syndication’ is the acquisition of the property, (the […]

True American Capital: Our Vision Explained.

There are hundreds of multifamily investment firms that have very similar business models as True American Capital and most of them will also make you money. So what’s different? The million dollar question: Why would I invest my money with True American Capital over “Billy’s Capital Investments” or “Stoney Bridge Capital Partners” or “The Orange […]

The US Dollar Vs The American Dream.

No, the American Dream is not dead. It could certainly use a double shot espresso, but it is not dead. The amount of money that has been printed and flushed into our economy obviously creates anxiety amongst citizens. Inflation is a challenge that many people struggle to outlast or overcome.  Similar questions and concerns may […]

The Ultimate Purpose.

For the individuals that say, “I do not have a purpose” or “I just wish I had a purpose.” I HIGHLY encourage your purpose to revolve around Time. Living a life with purpose is not only more fulfilling and enjoyable for you and everyone around you, but people with a clear purpose are significantly healthier, […]