“The number one factor in deal performance are the operators behind it.”

You’ve worked hard to put yourself in a position to have investment capital, now it’s time to put that investment to work. Deciding WHO to trust with that investment is just as, if not more important than, the deal itself.

If you’re anything like I was when considering my first passive investment, you have NO IDEA what questions to ask and how to determine who to trust with your investment. This left me investing in a fairly decent deal, in a fairly decent market, with some fairly horrible operators.

The real estate market was booming but my investment was a bust !

This is when I learned that the number one factor in deal performance are the operators behind it. There are going to be curveballs on EVERY deal, which means the operators better be experienced enough and dedicated enough to handle it. You can buy the best deal in the best market in the world, but if the operator doesn’t do a good job, then it won’t be a good deal. I’m not saying that a strong operator can make any deal work, but that the operator is as — if not more — important than the deal itself.

With all that being said, here are a series of questions I wish I would have asked on my first investment. I plan on writing another post with all the questions to consider asking, but here are the FOUR MOST IMPORTANT questions to ask in my opinion.

Imagine that you’re about to invest in a professional sports team, would you ever do that without knowing who’s on the team? Do you have LeBron James or Justin James?

Unfortunately my first deal I invested with the equivalent of a Justin James… a Justin James without any other team members. Shit.

With the amount of knowledge and work involved in a syndicated multi-family deal, it’s imperative to know the team that will be handling everything.

What is their background?
How long have they been syndicating deals?
How long has the team worked together?
How many deals do they own in the current area?
How many deal do they currently own and manage?
Is this their full time focus?
Everyone has a different idea of what risk is and how much of it they’re comfortable with. Some investors look for the highest possible returns and aren’t too concerned with risk. Some syndicators think the same way.

For example, as a team we are more conservative and focus on improving class B & C apartment communities in secondary and tertiary markets. This is our focus because that niche within the multi-family asset class has been the least volatile during downturns while still offering strong upside potential during up-cycles.

Do they prefer value-add, turnkey, or major reposition deals?

We focus on value-add because they typically provide higher returns than turnkey but are less risky than major reposition deals.
How long do they hold the asset?

If a syndicator wants to double my money in 12 months that’s not necessarily a good thing. That means they are extremely aggressive where I’m more conservative.
Why did they choose the specific markets they’re in?

The biggest key indicators we look for when choosing a market are Job Growth, Diversity of Job Growth, Household Formations, and Supply & Demand. In other words, we have a system. If they don’t… run.
What is the projected return?

Risk doesn’t always mean return, but a higher projected return almost always means higher risk. The answers I get here will dramatically influence how granular I get in determining how they made their projections.
I feel like this question is VERY telling. We invest in EVERY syndication deal we put together because we believe in those deals, it’s easier than trying to vet other investment opportunities, and because we always want to make sure we’re equally aligned with our investors. This makes decision making an easier process.

This question is one of my favorites. If answered correctly, the likely hood of me investing with them SKYROCKETS! I believe alignment of interest, transparency, and trust are critical.

Alignment of interest comes from having their capital invested alongside mine. Transparency comes from reporting. We provide monthly financials, monthly recaps, and in-depth quarterly reports on the progress of the business plan. We are also available to jump on the phone to discuss anything and reply to emails within a few hours, not a few days.

All of the above will build trust with investors. That’s earned over time. We’ve developed these standard operating procedures because we know what it’s like to be on the passive side of most deals and want our investors to have a better experience.

If an operator relays something similar to me, once again, the likely hood of me investing with them skyrockets.

A experienced operator should know that you’re going to ask these questions and proactively answer them before you even have to ask them. We record a video for each deal that walks investors through our offering materials and answers questions we know they will or should have.

Hopefully this list has helps make you aware of the types of questions you should be asking. I also hope it helps in obtaining the information you need to make an educated investment decision!

Understanding what you’re looking for will also be critical in identifying the right syndicating partner. Take a few minutes to map out whats most important to you before investing any money into any investment!

Also, check out the most critical Deal Specific Questions to ask as a passive investor!



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“Those operational errors, just like a toupee on a windy day, are about to get exposed.”
First, I hope nobody loses their apartment! That just seems highly unlikely though.
When the economy is booming, operational errors tend to go unnoticed; Overshadowed by the natural incline of the market. Our current economical climate is far from booming though, which means those operational errors, just like a toupee on a windy day, are about to get exposed.
This will leave many operators scrambling and many of their investors with returns that are far less than they were hoping for.
I find zero joy in writing this post btw. It’s the exact opposite actually. The far majority of the other multi-family operators I’ve been blessed to associate with are some of the best people I know. Unfortunately, “being a great person” doesn’t make you immune to the consequences of operational errors.
Mistakes happen, and this post isn’t meant to rub those mistakes in the faces of those who fall guilty. Rather, it’s meant to expose what those mistakes were so we can learn from them. Hopefully you can course correct quickly enough to keep that toupee (apartment) locked down and in place!!


I have the opportunity to train multi-family operators from time to time and have warned about overpaying for deals for the past couple years.
I’m afraid a number of them didn’t head the warning though.
This is caused from having a “scarcity” mentality. Meaning, they are worried that another deal won’t present itself, and because they want to do a deal so bad, they justify overpayment.
Overpayment also stemmed from demanding capital placement needs. The multi-family space, just like the economy as a whole, had been on a bullish run! That means investors had capital they needed to put to work… A LOT of capital they needed to put to work! That’s a good problem to have as long as you stay principled in your approach.
Those who sold their properties and decided to defer their taxes through a 1031 exchange found themselves in a similar position. With their 45 day identification window creeping up on them they become desperate (never how you want to position yourself in a negotiation btw) and decide they would rather overpay and bank on the equity increase, than risk paying taxes on their hard earned money.
Does that sound familiar to anyone?


Buy for cash flow! Equity is great, we want that too, but staying principled means we don’t risk cash flow in hopes for equity. What’s our minimum return threshold? Meaning, what’s our walk away point? If you don’t know that, you probably overpaid for your deal.


Instead of getting trained properly to protect those capital placement needs, some decided they’d just learn on the fly! If we’re being honest, we’re all learning on the fly from time to time, that’s life.
That being said, if they decided to cut corners, save money, and hope the all mighty internet would guide them to the promised land, they are undoubtably in trouble.
In a simple asset class like single-family residences, where there’s not a huge difference between best-in-class and mom-and-pop owners, that may work.
A large apartment functions more like an operating business though. The systems, processes, relationships, and know how you gain from working with seasoned syndicators, mentors, and coaches are invaluable.
They are costly to gain access too, but not as costly as losing your toupee (apartment) from the winds brought on by crisis.


Obviously get trained! Expand your network. Get access to coaches and mentors who can help. You owe it to yourself and to your investors!


Ouch! There’s a lot that can fit underneath the umbrella of that title eh?
Things like, improper screening policies, not being diligent enough to train tenants to pay rent on time, not improving the property or the overall community feel, and/or allowing a below average on-site manager to run the property.
Overall, not taking responsibility for the performance of the asset. 
All of this comes from the top down. It is our responsibility to set the standard, train our management team, and expect excellence. I’ve come to realize that people will treat you (and your investments) like you expect to be treated.
For example, my kids have a clock in their room that lights up at 7am. If they come out of their room before that, which they did EVERYDAY in the beginning, we ever so patiently and lovingly take them back into the room. If we’re being honest, sometimes that takes more effort than if we were to just let them sneak out a few minutes early. In the beginning anyway. Now, because we were consistent about what the expectations were, they quietly play in their room until Mella (the clock) turns green!
Our property managers and tenants are no different! If we don’t set expectations with property management and employees, or we’re inconsistent with those expectations, they will inevitably pass that same lack of vision and focus on to the tenants; leaving us with an underperforming and at risk asset!


Set principled expectations, train your property management on those expectations, and be diligent enough to stick with them! If you’ve allowed bad habits to creep in, it’s going to be a challenge.
Just remember, that’s your fault for feeding those habits as long as you have in the first place.
That being said, unlike kids, you can replace your property management company if needed. So, for the love of everything holy, stop being the slang word for a female body part and do what is necessary.


If your property is struggling, now is the time to course correct and fix the problem!

Need some guidance on how to solve problems? Check out our PROBLEM SOLVING 101 blog post, take some notes, and implement the principles!

Teaser, be BLIND to excuses and HYPER-FOCUSED on solutions.



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I bought my first house at 21 years old, at the height of the market, and was so pumped to be a home owner. All my life I had been told “one of the best ways to get ahead is to invest in real estate,” and now I was in a position to do that!
Though the advice was solid, my plan of action was not, because buying a house IS NOT how you invest in real estate. 
However, if you ask a group of 100 people HOW to invest in real estate the results would look something like this…
  • Buy A House- 80%
  • Buy & Flip- 10%
  • Buy & Rent- 9%
  • Other- 1%


Until the flood of real estate themed reality TV shows, which made everyone want to “flip that house,” that “buy a house” stat would probably sit in the 90% range instead. Buying & Flipping is better than owning your own home. Buying a home and renting it out is too. But what about that 1%? Maybe it’s not even worth talking about because so few people are doing it, right?


Let’s look at it this way, if we asked those same people if they’d like to be among the wealthiest “1%” in America, 100% of them would undoubtedly say, “YES!!” Yet, how they choose to invest would do just the opposite, follow the majority instead of the minority.
What about you, where would you fit in? Would you follow the 99% or the 1% you’re trying to be apart of? I blindly followed the majority for over a decade, but I didn’t course correct and become part of the 1% until I asked this question…




According to the US Census Bureau, the average American family stays in a home for about nine years. The average American family also keeps the bulk of their net worth in their home, under the assumption that a house is a good investment that always increases in value.
Historically, how much does that house actually increase in value though? Over the past 20 years, hold your coffee, about 3-5% annually. To put that into perspective, that means historically the average American home appreciates at the same rate as inflation.
Let’s breakdown the numbers
If a family purchases a house for $500,000, and that house appreciates 5% each year, 9 years later that property would be worth $725,000 for a total gain of $225,000! Awesome, right?
First, a 5% annual return is NOT a good return.
Second, owning a house costs money way beyond the purchase price. We know this logically but very few actually calculate the return before deciding to invest. Why? Because we were raised that buying a home is a good investment that always increases. Good hell.
Here is a breakdown of some of the expenses the family would need to take into account.
Title Search
Buyers have to pay for a title search at their land registry office, which costs an average of $100
Recording Fee
To register the purchase, the buyer would have to pay a title recording fee, average is $150.
Lawyer Fees
$1,000 x 2 = $2,000
In some states, the buyer has to pay a lawyer to do this for them, which is about $1,000. They pay this again when they sell.
$500,000 x .5% x 9 = $22,500
Insurance rates vary by state but the average cost is about .05% of the home value per year.
$500,000 x 1% x 9 = $45,000
It’s recommended to set aside 1% to 3% each year for maintenance.
Property Tax
$500,000 x 1% x 9 = $45,000
The average annual rate in the US is about 1%.
Broker Commission
$725,000 x 6% = $43,500
The typical commission is 6% of the sales price.
Land Transfer Tax
$725,000 x 1.2% = $8,700
These can vary from almost nothing (.01% in Colorado) to super high (4% in Pittsburgh) but the national average is 1.2%.
TOTAL COST: $166,950


That whopping $225,000 profit just got cut down to $58,050. Which means, the REAL annual return is about 1.29%. 
Be honest, how badly do you want to punch your parents in the face for advising you to buy a home as a way to get ahead. But, just in case anyone is still on the fence, I’ll keep rubbing salt in the wounds.
This is assuming the family paid cash for this house, which they probably didn’t. Start adding up what they paid in interest and you’ll want to puke.
But Tyler, the interest is a write-off!!” As of 2018 the standard deduction got raised in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, so you get no tax break from loans of less than $600,000. Ouch.


This is why the typical family who keeps the majority of their net worth in their property never accumulates much net worth. They think they’re getting ahead as they see its value go up, but they don’t realize that all the extra costs add up to the point where most of their profit has vanished.
Investment: “the action or process of investing money for a PROFIT.
Therefore, any investment is ultimately judged by the profit it produces. If the investment doesn’t profit, it’s a bad investment.
So, can a house be a good investment? 
Sure, a house can be a great investment—for real estate brokers, the government, insurance companies, and banks. Basically, for everyone except the owner. For the owner, a house is a terrible investment.
Now, to be clear, I’m talking about primary residences. In other words, a house you buy, move into, and live in. Housing can be a good investment if it’s purchased to rent out to a tenant. However, land-lording is a whole other topic and you still need to know the numbers.
For example, shortly after I bought that home at 21 years old, I started renting out the other rooms to friends of mine who were going to school close by. The income from the rents covered the expenses and all of a sudden I was a real estate investor. That being said, I was a bad real estate investor because I wasn’t making a profit!


So, what do the 1% do? First, they know what they want and they make investments that will help them get there.
I fell into the homeownership trap listed above at 27 years old, when my wife and I moved to Austin, TX, because we had no idea what we really wanted out of life. It was shortly after that our eyes were opened, we figured out what we wanted, and we started investing like the 1%.
First, we sold our house and became renters. The money we had originally put as the down payment, which is about all we walked away with once those damn expenses kicked in, was invested into apartment syndications that provide passive income. The preferred return alone from those investments result in cash flow returns averaging 8-10% annually… all of which is tax free… another benefit of a true investment.
This became addicting because we started seeing money every quarter instead of hoping for money YEARS later. Remember, even if the house that family bought appreciated at 10% annually, they don’t see a dime of profit until they actually sell. We were seeing profit every quarter AND even more profit once we sold.
The addiction to acquire fancy things transformed into an addiction to acquire fancy assets that would cover liabilities. And, because we were renting, we didn’t worry about house upgrades, fancy decorations, expensive furniture, or the other pitfalls that come with homeownership. Because of that, and because we had direction, we had more money to put into passive investments.


I need to make this abundantly clear, I AM NOT talking about being the “Millionaire Next Door” who doesn’t buy Starbucks and is obsessed with cutting expenses. I’m not interested in living like that. My family likes and deserves nice things, I just want my investments to pay for those nice things so that we can actually enjoy them.
We’re talking about small changes that lead to HUGE returns. Returns that ultimately lead to freedom. 


Let’s breakdown the numbers again.  Let’s say we take that same $500,000 and invest into an apartment instead of buying a house, which is exactly what my wife Brittany and I decided to do. Each of the investments we made offered a preferred cash flow return of of at least 8%, but we did have one investment that only returned 6% cash flow for the year, so we’ll use 6% for sake of comparison.


An investment of $500,000 that produces 6% cash flow would return $30,000 in cash flow each year. If we use the same hold period of 9 years, that would equate to $270,000 of total cash flow returns. To be fair, we have to account for expenses and taxes just like we did with our single family home example.


Expenses: Seasoned investors understand that owning real estate comes with expenses. So, before we ever decide to invest in anything, we break those expenses down to make sure the returns justify the investment. If the cash flow returns after all the expenses associated with the property don’t exceed the preferred return, we don’t move forward. Period.


Which means, that 6% return calculation is actually the NET cash flow before taxes.


Taxes: “True American Capital assets benefit from depreciation, which is an income tax deduction. In short, while real estate values generally appreciate, the physical components of the property generally lose value during the hold as a result of wear and tear. The appliances, roof, and electrical all “depreciate” and will eventually need to be replaced. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) understands and accounts for this by offering an income deduction for owning depreciating assets.” You can check out more of the tax benefit details HERE, but in most True American Capital investment deals, depreciation and other tax write-offs allow all cash flow during the hold period to be received tax-deferred.


Which means, that regardless of the amount of cash flow received, the annual taxable gain will usual be net negative, or very close to it. So, that $30,000 / year is NET NET PROFIT.



True American Capital assets benefit from appreciation as well, and just like cash flow returns, all the expenses associated with selling the asset are taken into account before ever deciding to purchase. Though none of the properties we invested in have sold, the returns are on track to exceed 25% annually. That being said, to be ultra-conservative, let’s take the same rate of appreciation of 5% that we used for our single family home example.


An investment of $500,000 that appreciates 5% each year would be worth $725,000 9 years later. The difference once again, all exit costs have been accounted for before hand. Which means, excluding tax liabilities, that $225,000 is a highly conservative NET profit.


The Results… Before the cynics have a field day, let’s remember that if you decided NOT to buy a house in cash, you’ll still need to live somewhere. So, to be conservative with the difference again, we need to subtract the rent payment out of the profits. The mortgage on a $500,000 property with a down payment of 20%, a loan term of 30 years, and an interest rate of 3.5% would be $1,796. Assuming that the rent payment would be slightly higher than the mortgage payment, let’s calculate that at $2,000 / month. 9 years of rental payments at that amount would equate to $216,000.



Cash Flow Returns: $0 Equity Return: $58,050 Rent Payment: – $0 TOTAL PROFIT: $58,050


Cash Flow Returns: $270,000 Equity Return: $225,000 Rent Payment: – $216,000 TOTAL PROFIT: $279,000




Passively investing in apartment syndications opened my eyes to a lot and created a passion for the industry, a passion that I obviously dove into head first. Owning, operating, and investing in apartment syndications is my full time focus and something I am extremely grateful for.
Today, I live with my family in Hawaii on the beautiful island of Maui, something I once again couldn’t be more grateful for. Brittany (my wife) and I wanted freedom, time with family, the resources to enjoy life to the fullest, and the ability to give back and be a blessing to as many people as possible. The definition of that target is always moving upward, but our lives are very different today than they were when we moved to Austin.
We’re both 35 years old, and we are FAR from where we want to be, but we’re getting closer every day. I sincerely hope that you’re getting closer to where you want to be as well.
That’s what this post is all about! It’s not about knocking the majority or bragging about being part of the 1%. Not at all. The intent is to shed some light on WHY home ownership isn’t the way to wealth, just like someone did for me, in hopes that it helps you in your journey!!
There are many ways to acquire wealth but homeownership as an investment strategy IS NOT one of them.



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A very common multifamily operating mistake is giving an employee a free unit. This lowers our NOI which in turn lowers our property values! It can also be a gigantic pain in the ass!



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