Ever since I can remember growing up I would always hear people talk about the American Dream. The great country we live in has always been where so many people around the world desire to be. It’s a place where you can start from nothing and become anything. The freedoms and rights that we have been able to utilize sets us up for success in taking on new opportunities. After all, this is the land of opportunity… driven by each of us to strive for our American Dream.

The greatest country in the world today is still the United States, but it is no longer the dream it used to be. The path to success, wealth, and living a life of leisure is becoming harder and harder to achieve. From issues with the supply chain, rising taxes, inflation, unemployment, and a huge talking point: rising interest rates.

In the old days you used to be able to work a 9-5, 40 hour-a-week job, buy a house, and one spouse’s incomes usually could support the family making $60k-$80k a year. That family could take a vacation a couple times a year and/or run a successful business.

Some of these are still doable today, but not with the same convenience as there has been in the past. Meanwhile, the amount of households nationwide that require two sources of income has skyrocketed. Making six figures a year used to be making it big and now it’s basically a necessity! Most people in their 20’s need at least one roommate to share r

ent or a mortgage with. The American dollar is losing its value and it has been for decades. Inflation is drying up any extra money you’re used to making.

“Well, I have money saved up, it’s my rainy day fund!”

Great, you did what most of us were taught to do by our parents and the education system. Through history even when the country has experienced deflation, give it enough time and inflation will eventually surpass the previous benchmark. Your money seems to be safe sitting in the bank when it is actually rotting away, losing its value, (same goes for our 401k’s as well). What if you were to take that money and invest it? Multifamily investing provides more than financial freedom; it provides time freedom. We’re able to save you from working overtime to make the extra cash needed for that new car you’ve been wanting to buy. It’ll mean you and/or your spouse being put in a position to be able to quit jobs due to the cashflow we provide quarterly, as well as not having to miss your children’s sporting events ever again, You’d be able to begin that new hobby and/or go back to school or start that mentorship you’ve been talking about for forever. The entire purpose of True American Capital is to make as many American’s as possible to be in a ‘job-optional’ position. Our goal, like your goal, is to not HAVE to work and our purpose is to bring as many people with us into retirement as possible.

Let me explain further how multifamily investing is the greatest investment strategy in present day:

  • Receive quarterly distribution checks
  • Diversification with your investments
  • Various tax benefits and incentives to offset your current tax structure; it’s not about the money you make, it’s about the money you keep!! Remember that! Multifamily investing provides such tax benefits so you keep more money!
  • Recession proof (Recession causes more renters, thus occupying more of your units) We will win together during recessions!
  • Improving your investment portfolio opens new doors down the road
  • Your money is working for you instead of sitting in a bank and losing value

These are only a few key factors that support how can benefit from investing in multifamily. Any investment you ever participate in is going to be a risk… always. You’re able to mitigate the risks of other investment vehicles GREATLY by choosing to put your money to work with True American Capital. Investing in something that can withstand any sort of hit to its market is all the information I needed to choose this strategy.

We don’t win unless you win. We’re in this together. 


Drake Stratton

Managing Partner – True American Capital




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There are hundreds of multifamily investment firms that have very similar business models as True American Capital and most of them will also make you money. So what’s different?

The million dollar question: Why would I invest my money with True American Capital over “Billy’s Capital Investments” or “Stoney Bridge Capital Partners” or “The Orange Investment Group”? They all do the same thing right? (Those are all made up names by the way).

True American Capital is distinguished from other multifamily investment companies with its clear purpose and vision for all Americans. Will True American Capital make you money? Without a doubt! But again, there are other investment companies that could also do that. Will you have an exceptional experience throughout the entire process with the other companies? Maybe.. Maybe not. Is your time respected? Is your money respected? Do your visions align with the company you’re investing in? I certainly hope so.

The broadened mission of True American Capital is to get as many Americans as wealthy as possible. More specifically, True American Capital’s purpose is to provide trustworthy investment opportunities for Americans through real estate investing specifically, multifamily apartment complexes. This investment vehicle and overall strategy is the quickest and most secure way to share our CASH-FLOWING returns and wealth with our fellow Americans. 

True American Capital’s multifamily investments are the most reliable and recession/inflation proof way for Americans to ride this volatile wave of reality and still maintain the life they desire in the future. 

If you’ve had the following thoughts/questions/concerns – I highly encourage sending us a message and joining our team through our website’s “Contact Us’ page.

  • The trust the American citizens once had in corporations, government, and the media is nearly non-existent.
  • Where will we be in 2030 as a country?
  • Will the US dollar collapse?
  • What will end this recession?
  • How difficult will it be for you to take out a loan for property in the future?
  • Where are my tax dollars going?
  • How can I be more protected against taxes?
  • How does world conflict affect my 401k?
  • Where will the stock market be in 2030?
  • Assuming the US dollar has not collapsed by 2030, what will inflation look like? How devalued will my currency be at that time?

There is only so much land in America. It’s not going away and difficult times such as recessions create more tenants (arguable the best tenants, due to homeowners’ families potentially having to foreclose). Supply and demand. Multifamily Real Estate is the investment vehicle that will provide the cash flow and returns American’s deserve and True American Capital is the answer.


Hudson Robison

Founder/CEO – True American Capital




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No, the American Dream is not dead. It could certainly use a double shot espresso, but it is not dead. The amount of money that has been printed and flushed into our economy obviously creates anxiety amongst citizens. Inflation is a challenge that many people struggle to outlast or overcome. 

Similar questions and concerns may have been crossing your mind to these:

  • What will my dollar buy me in a year? 2 years? 5 years?
  • How much inflation can the US dollar take without collapsing?
  • What happens when/if the US dollar does collapse? Then what? Cryptocurrency?
  • How can I protect my money with inflation?
  • I do not feel confident in cryptocurrency right now, the stock market is struggling, and I also do not feel sure about the future of the US dollar.. Where do I safely invest my money?
  • How can I benefit from the recession instead of taking cover and simply hoping for the best?

True American Capital is a multifamily investment company that is HIGHLY specialized in deal sourcing, market research, and implementing operating systems and partners for medium to large apartment complexes, (40-300 units). The team at True American Capital is hyper focused on presenting these opportunities to our investors therefore creating secure wealth for Americans. The end-all goal is to retire as many people or at least allow them to become job-optional. The new American Dream.

With the uncertainty of currency exchange in the future, investing in multifamily properties with True American Capital allows you to ride the wave through the storm, while receiving cash flow throughout ownership. The US dollar relies solely on the trust the recipient has that he/she will be able to then spend it for a similar goods/services exchange. When that trust is gone, the money many of us have in the banks, is gone. Vaporized. No one will accept it for payment if the merchant does not trust the fact that they’ll be able to invest or spend it for value. Multifamily real estate however, is an asset that, unless the Earth collapses and land no longer exists, will always have a demand. Always. Especially through recessionary times, (everyone knows the rental population increases during recessions).

True American Capital is the answer to protect and grow your capital in these unprecedented times. We’ve heard the word “unprecedented times” since the beginning of COVID, but I highly encourage giving future finances a second or third thought.

I love this country.

Let’s ride this wave through the storm together at True American Capital.

Hudson Robison

Founder/CEO – True American Capital




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For the individuals that say, “I do not have a purpose” or “I just wish I had a purpose.” I HIGHLY encourage your purpose to revolve around Time. Living a life with purpose is not only more fulfilling and enjoyable for you and everyone around you, but people with a clear purpose are significantly healthier, happier, more successful, and notably more confident than people lacking a life with purposeful intentions everyday.

I’ve told my friends and family that I’ve never been more stressed than I have been this year in balancing my two companies. Remarkably, I have also never been happier. At the same time. Think about this. How? Stress and happiness? Together? Yes. Living every day and doing every thing with purposeful intent, eliminates nearly all negative stress, depression, and anxiety. Purpose drives mindset. Mindset creates anything you desire. This is not dramatization. Every hyper successful/wealthy individual knows and implements purpose and mindset as habit every single day.

My ultimate purpose is Time. 

I fully understand the TRUE value of this finite resource, Time. Nearly everything I do on a minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour, day-to-day basis, revolves around the following concept: What can I do right now to either save myself time in my future, save others’ time (highest level of value btw) in their futures, or maximize my present time with the people I love to the highest level so they feel valued? In turn, their time feels valued, I receive fulfillment, therefore my time was well-spent, certainly not wasted.

Getting the picture? Everything must revolve around time. Time unites everyone. It should be everyone’s greatest friend. How would YOU treat this ‘friend’ that supplies you with life. Remember, Time is also our most scarce resource. Billionaires and homeless people both have 24 hours every day; one group wastes their most precious resource, one group values it – for themselves and the people around them.

Understanding time as your purpose takes a high level of constant self-awareness, it requires you to reflect on previous events/conversations where time may not been valued at the highest degree in order to be more conscious, more productive, and more purposeful in the future.

Everything comes down to time.. Everything.

Leading a life with purpose does not mean you have to start your own company, be an incredible athlete, or have some special talent. What it does require is daily executions on big picture thinking. This is why Time is the greatest purpose to live by. It is the biggest possible picture we have.. We do not know anything else beyond the limited time we have. We’re all here on this Earth for a limited amount of time.. How can we get this to register to more people?

Please see the value of time for yourself and other’s as if it is your best friend and their best friend. The purpose of time will maximize your mindset, power, wealth, success, health, and everyone around you. It’s contagious.

Make your purpose to maximize your time as well as other people’s time. Once perfected you’ve achieved the highest level of value for humanity as we know it. Time is your most precious resource; when it’s gone, it’s gone.

Love you all. Stay strong. God bless this country.

Hudson Robison

Founder/CEO – True American Capital




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